Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Meadow, My Sweet

I work with the activity days girls at church right now (ages 8-11). It is a lot of fun. Tonight I had to bring our children with me because Greg had to work late. They enjoy coming with me although they usually stay home with Greg so that I can focus on the girls.

Tonight, a new girl came to the activity for the first time because she had just turned 8. We went around the room and had all of the other girls in the group introduce themselves and say one thing that they liked. The answers ranged from ice cream to reading to animals etc. Since my kids were also sitting in the circle they got to participate too. Meadow said: "My name is Meadow and I like my Mom." It was the sweetest! All of the girls said "Awww!" Meadow, you are such a treasure to me. :D Parker turned shy and hid under the table instead of sharing what he liked. Sometimes it's tough being the only boy in the room. Parker you are also my treasure! :D

1 comment:

imabetty said...

How adorable! What a sweet story. :-)