*Parker finished Kindergarten and we had a little party in his classroom. Another Mom and I painted faces and they got to make hats and ice cream sundaes and they each got an award. Parker's teachers gave him the award for the best laugh. :) It is quite a contagious laugh if I do say so myself. ;D
He had a week and a half break (where we went to the pool as much as possible) and then he started first grade!
It was kind of a rough transition with the small break. Parker missed Kindergarten. His Kindergarten teacher was very warm and his first grade teacher is a little more business like, especially during the first 2 weeks when she was establishing the ground rules. It just took a little longer to get to know her. I had to park the van once and walk him in because he refused to get out of the car if we went in the carpool line. lol. He is doing much better now and likes his teacher and being a first grader. :) :)
*I was on the activity committee for youth conference which was also very fun and very busy. The theme was pioneers then and now and I think the youth really enjoyed it!
* I am about 5-6 months along. Enjoying the small window of feeling good during pregnancy. :)
*One of our favorite missionaries came back and visited with his parents. It was such a treat to go to the temple with them and to have them over for the evening! Elder Cox and his companion were such amazing examples of Christ-like service to us and also our non-member neighbors. They would show up if they didn't have an appointment and ask what they could do for us, they mowed the lawn once when Greg was out of town, helped paint the porch and a toy box that we happened to be working on when they stopped by, and they along with Greg dug a six foot coi pond in our neighbors back yard. Our neighbor ended up inviting them to dinner and they were taught a first discussion.
Our kids adored them as well!
* And last but not least, Greg turned 36! Whooo! The kids had fun making him a robot pencil/candy holder for his new office. I forgot to take a picture of it so I'll do that soon. We made him his favorite cake which is yellow with chocolate icing of course. It was a happy day. :)
Great pictures! Can't wait to see the robot pencil holder. :) Sounds cute!
It's hard to keep up sometimes, huh? You look great and we can't wait to meet the littlest Winters when we visit in December!
So good to see and hear news of your family, especially since yall aren't close by. Please continue to keep us updated. Love the photos.Your happy little family inspires me.
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