A good friend of mine applied to be on a TV show called Home Made Simple on TLC. This time around they are focusing on friends helping friends complete projects around the house. They came and interviewed us together and then interviewed her with her family and we all must have done alright because they got selected! I am excited to get to help her complete projects around the house like sewing curtains or painting or planting or something like that. Maybe I will learn some mad new skills too! Regardless, it will be so fun ; ) It is filming in Cary the weekend of the 15th, but I don't know when it will air yet.
A special story about Cheryl is that I think I prayed her into my life. When we met I only had Parker who was about 18 months and I was going through an "I am a lonely Mom and need to get out and meet other Mom's with kids the same age as mine" phase and I expressed this to my Heavenly Father and I met Cheryl that very day at Bond Park in Cary. She and her husband were moving into the area and didn't know very many people. She was with her son Max who was also 18 months and we both had on sweats or something like that and were hiding our greasy hair under baseball caps and we have been friends ever since. lol :) We were also pregnant with our second children together and they were born a week apart. She has been a blessing in my life and I know that God loves us and answers our prayers. I also have to say now that I feel surrounded by wonderful women and friends in all stages of life including my family and I am so grateful for that and for all of you. :D
And I have no pictures of the two of us together, only our kids...but here is Cheryl with My Mother-in-law/Greg's Mom Debbie :)
Heather--that is very exciting news! I'm so happy for you! It should be fun.
This is great news. Congratulations!
Sweet! I love those shows! Let us know when it airs. Have fun.
Yay! Isn't this the second time you've been on tv lately (the gymnastics clip)? That sounds like so much fun! (and, yes, I did think you were pregnant)
How exciting and fun! I have a friend like that. We have both moved away from NC, and I miss her so much! We are like the same person, except that she's married to a baptist minister. I'm not sure how he felt about our friendship. Just kidding; he was great too. :)
Excellent - let me know when it's going to air to I can set my DVR! :)
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