This post is in honor of her. There are so many wonderful things about my Mom that I don't know where to begin and listing them all would just feel trite so It will have to suffice to say that she is wonderful. It is true. That being said, she makes the best frosting I have ever tasted called Burnt Butter Frosting. I know that her Mom used to make it too. I also know that it doesn't sound very appetizing but it IS. To us it is best a quarter of an inch thick on a warm spice cake. Lol. One of the best combinations known to man and my birthday cake of request since I can remember. Here is the recipe (although we never really measure the powdered sugar or milk because eyeballing it seems to work just fine) :
1/2 cup butter
4 cups confectioners' sugar
4 tablespoons milk
Place the butter in a saucepan over medium-high heat. Cook, stirring constantly, until the butter is a nice tan color. If it gets dark brown or black you have allowed it to burn too long. When butter has been "burned" remove the saucepan from the heat.
Slowly mix in confectioners' sugar. Beat on high speed of an electric mixer until light and fluffy. Beat in the milk a tablespoon at a time until desired spreading consistency is achieved. Use frosting immediately, as this frosting will set up quickly.
You can also add vanilla if you like, but not necessary. Enjoy. Thanks Mom for being wonderful you!
definitely need to try this one out. Your mom is great... :)
I've only met your Mom once I think, but she raised YOU so I know she must be awesome! Lovely photo too! I feel priveleged (sp?) to have access to this recipe. I will try it soon...sounds great!
Thanks Guys!
Awww, Lisa I am going to have to print this and keep it in my happy box - hahaha :) You are the best!
This frosting makes me think of butterscotch clouds. lol :)
Heather- I tried a piece of the spice cake/burnt butter frosting ya made for ma and it was sooo divine. (and Laney devoured a piece too) I do want to say that one can-- if they wanted-- burn the butter to a dark brown--just not black flecs like you said. This is a comment for anyone that may try the recipie...some like it less burned..I like mine a little more "burnt" :) Yummy stuff either way! Nice tribute to ma :)
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