She had a birthday party with friends from church and school and family at Apex Gymnastics and they all had a sweaty good time. :D
Some things that are really sweet about Meadow are:
She cries sometimes when Liam cries because she has such a tender heart and feels bad if he gets hurt.
She likes to "read" very large books and turns them page by page and even puts a book mark where she left off. She recently finished volume 2 of our encyclopedia set. :) She also does this with the scriptures. It is adorable. She asked me "Why did God make me so interested in reading books and reading the scriptures?" I told her because he wanted her to learn all of the things that would help her in her life to make good choices and be happy.
When she prays she tells Heavenly Father the cutest things about how she loves her gymnastics class and her friends at school and yummy dinners.
She worries a little bit about having homework in Kindergarten because she sees how much Parker dislikes having homework.
She really really likes to win. Last week her soccer team lost to the gray team and she cried on the way to the car. She definitely has a competitive streak.
Oh Meadow, you are such a fun and special girl and we love having you in our family.
Here is a letter Parker wrote to her at school for her birthday. :D I am transcribing it for now because I don't know where the camera is at the moment.
"Dear Meadow, You are the best sister! I know whats going to happen! Your birthday! Happy Birthday! You are going to have lots of presents! I love you. And I am feeling so great!
Your Brother Parker
I love that letter!! It makes my whole self smile. :D
What a sweetheart!
Happy Birthday, sweet Meadow! Did someone give her a trophy for her birthday? I didn't know you could win at being 5! Awesome!
What a sweet, sweet post! I love your family!!
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