Saturday, November 14, 2009

Funnies this week

Parker: "Mom, thank you for the delicious dinner."

Me (a little shocked): "Wow, Thanks buddy. That was very nice of you!"

Parker: "Why didn't you fall in the mashed potatoes?"

Me: "Um...why do you ask?"

Parker: "My teacher said that if we said that to our Moms, they'd probably fall in the mashed potatoes."

Me: "We'll if we'd had mashed potatoes, I just might have from the surprise of it."

Parker: "I wish I could see that."

Me: "I can pretend...."

Parker: "Ok!"


Meadow: "Happy Halloversary Mom!"


Danae said...

too cute! kids are so literal! I had Cannon's teacher conference & we discussed how kids take so seriously what their teachers say. I told Cannon that his teacher told him to clean his room. His response,"mom, do you trust me? I I told him yes, do you trust me? He looked at me and said, you are teasing, Mrs. Amador would not tell me that!

melissa said...

How disappointed Parker must have been. I, too, would like to see you fall in the mashed potatoes. I hope you enjoyed your halloworsary!

Heather McKeon said...

When you do fall in the mashed potatoes make sure Greg is ready with the camera!

Greg said...

a video of this mashed potato event would be quite lovely