On the way to the allergist this morning:
Parker: Mom, are we Normal?
Me: What do you mean?
Parker: Are we normal people?
Me: Yes, a lot of people have allergies and asthma and all kinds of different things
Parker: no, no, no no, Are we NORMAL?
Me: Yes.
Thats my answer and I am sticking to it. lol.
Picking up a prescription after the allergist:
Meadow from the back seat: "Lady, I'm hungry!"
I think she thought the lady might have some french fries behind that window.
The Home Teachers came over on Sunday and asked the kids:
HT: "Who are we talking to when we are saying our prayers?"
Meadow: Princesses!!
Parker after his preschool graduation party a couple of weeks ago:
Parker: Mom, I don't like girls, but you are my favorite girl.
Me: Laughing. What about your Sister and your Cousins and your Aunts and Grandmas?
Parker: Yeah, I like them too.