There is a dog in our neighbor-hood that likes to get into our trash (usually comes around at night). We try not to leave any out but sometimes I will put a bag on the back deck during the day if it is really full and put it in the can later, which was the case today. Anyway, I went jogging with Meadow in the jogging stroller when the sun was starting to get lower in the sky and as we were coming back toward the house I saw the dog come down the street and turn into our yard. I remembered the trash on the deck so I ran faster. I opened the front door and said "Greg! That dog is going to get into the trash!" Parker rounded the corner to see what the commotion was as Greg grabbed the first thing he could find, his shoe, to throw at the dog to scare it away. In the moment, Greg thought he didn't want to teach Parker to throw things at animals, so he held the door so that Parker wouldn't see him throw his shoe at the dog. Well, Parker doesn't miss much and he said "Why did you throw your shoe out the back door?" Greg thinking fast: "It was REALLY stinky so I threw it out the back door" Parker in deep thought: "It was THAT stinky!? Can I smell!?" Greg: "It is not so stinky now." So we didn't teach him to throw shoes at dogs but we taught him that throwing your stinky shoes out the back door cures them! Hehehe