Kids goin' crazy!
I thought this couple was clever!
Befriending an Arch Nemesis
Then we had the annual neighborhood parade where the kids walk around the block in their costumes and then get a prize.

Halloween was cold and sprinkly this year. My family came over for chili and the cousins always like to go trick or treating together. Meadow was a fairy this time and Parker was Luigi.
Greg helped the neighbors set up an "Alien Idol" Halloween Karaoke. Greg's Dad owns a karaoke machine (he goes and sings oldie goldies at the rest homes and I think he has achieved celebrity status among them) and they used that. There were 3 Alien judges trying to find talent to bring back to their home planet and people could sing songs like the monter mash etc. It drew quite a crowd.
Then since they were all slightly damp anyway, we bobbed for apples. Liam was asleep by this point.
Come back here apple!

What Fun!!!
Love the Luigi costume! Awesome.
Your kids are super lucky to get a different costume for every party. What?! I, too, love the Luigi costume. Miles could say "Luigi" before he could say anyone else's name. Booooo. (That was a scary boo for Halloween.)
LOL, Melissa. Oh my goodness you are so funny. Yeah...don't be that impressed. Only one of the costumes are new. The rest I bought big last year!!
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