Saturday, October 10, 2015

Disciples of Christ

I've been thinking quite a bit about being a "Disciple of Christ" and it has been discussed this week in my Online Book of Mormon class as well. A "Disciple" is a student and follower of Christ. We can be His disciples as we study His life and His words in the Bible and the Book of Mormon and pattern our lives after His. Furthermore, We can listen to the words of a living Prophet and Apostles, keep the commandments and the covenants we have made, and reconcile our lives to His will through His Atonement. In the April 1987 Ensign article "Overcome...even as I overcame," Neal A. Maxwell states that "If we are really His disciples, we will be able to absorb the darts of the Adversary." He continues by saying that being true disciples will take both of our hands. We will need to loft the shield of Faith in one hand and hold firmly to the words of God with the other hand. If we are to know His will and submit our will to His, we need to seek His will and guidance through prayer continually. We must make time in our lives for spiritual things. As Elder Maxwell said: "Don't let the light of truth get lost in daily living." As we strive to be His Disciples and be like him, "Line upon line and precept upon precept we will come to have the mind of Christ." I know that I am the happiest in my life when my life is patterned after the Savior's. I feel peace, hope and strength in my life as I use His Atonement to be forgiven of my sins and my shortcomings, draw closer to him, and become better. I feel great Joy in my life as I am able to serve, love and lift others as Jesus Christ would. I am so grateful for His restored Gospel on the Earth today and for the many ways it blesses my Life. I know that Jesus is the Christ and that He lives today. Our Elder Brother Jesus Christ and our Father in Heaven love us with an infinite and unconditional love. As we are disciple of Christ, We can share their love with everyone around us.

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